Gyproc & Isover products and systems training for Merchants (NI) | Saint Gobain

Gyproc & Isover products and systems training for Merchants (NI)

04 May 2024
Fully Booked

Gyproc & Isover products and systems training for Merchants (NI) 

*NOTE: The content in this session is relevant for merchants & distributors only

Saint-Gobain Gyproc & Isover Ireland invites you and your teams to attend a series of (free to attend) virtual online training sessions. Scheduled to run over the course of the year, with two dedicated sessions for Gyproc products and two focusing on Isover products, the program will focus on providing attendees with an essential overview of key product attributes, how and where they are used as part of systems and when they can be used to help comply with Building Regulations and other performance criteria. 

Each scheduled training session will consist of 30 minutes of delivered content via a live online presentation, with a further 15 minutes to allow plenty of opportunity for any questions you might have.  For your convenience we have scheduled two sessions throughout the day for you to choose from.   

Title: Gyproc Plasterboards (Merchants & Distributors Only) 

Date: Thursday 20th May 

Topic: Gyproc Plasterboard range – What to use, where and why. 

Times:    Session 1 – 10:30 to 11:15  

                Session 2 – 15:30 to 16:15  

To attend, register your details and we will send you the links for both sessions on the week of the event. 

Description: Gyproc plasterboards, which can be used throughout the interior of almost every building project to offer a wide range of performance characteristics, can vary in size, type and thickness. So which one should or can go where and why? In this short presentation we will highlight the specific characteristics of the core range of Gyproc plasterboards, look at why they are suitable for specific applications and the minimum specifications of plasterboard for situations where Building Regulations or definitive performance requirements apply. 


Course Hours

45 minutes
