‘How to construct’ Gyproc ShaftWall partitions - Basics | Saint Gobain

‘How to construct’ Gyproc ShaftWall partitions - Basics

27 Jul 2024
Fully Booked

Undertaken within the new Dry-lining workshop area of Saint-Gobain's Kingscourt Academy, in a hands-on practical manner, see, learn, and ensure your understanding of core detailing requirements for installation and sign-off. With a specific focus on ShaftWall partitions, learn how these specialist lightweight metal gauge ‘I’ stud partitions should be constructed correctly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Gyproc ShaftWall systems offer project teams fire resistant partition solutions for areas where access to construct standard GypWall systems is not available, enabling compliant partition systems which can be constructed entirely from one side. The installation requirement for Gyproc ShaftWall systems, although like GypWall systems, they differ in many aspects.

During this day long course, participants will be given the opportunity to team up and construct a simple ShaftWall partition under the guidance of one of our experienced trainers . This will include the most common details often required in site situations. Attendees will be instructed in the correct use of Gypframe ‘I’ studs and use of Gyproc CoreBoard along with the application of junctions, framed openings, door apertures, and deflection heads.

This course is one of Saint-Gobain's Technical Academy’s three new practical installation courses which will form part of a wider series of ‘How to construct’ installation courses looking at the wider range of Gyproc metal framed partition, ceiling, wall lining, and steel framed encasement systems.

Course content:

  • Health & Safety
  • Overview of tools, equipment, and materials
  • Sizing and cutting plasterboards
  • Working with Gypframe ‘I’ Studs
  • ShaftWall partition construction and sequencing
  • Fundamental construction requirements
  • Working with Gyproc CoreBoard
  • Corners and ‘T’ junctions
  • Openings for doors and services
  • Simple deflection head detailing
  • Codes of practice content and acceptable tolerances
  • Avoiding common mistakes and site issues


6 Hours

Course Hours

09:30 to 15:30
